Monday, July 29, 2013


Dear Parents/caregivers,

This term, in week three we have our whole school production –kia whakatomuri te haere ki mua (walking backward to the future). As you know, we have been learning about farming and its history. We are dressing up as Sheep for our part of the performance and we need the following donations:

·         Cotton wool balls

·         White face paint/ regular poster paint

We also ask that we can start work on our sheep headbands. I have attached the following instructions on how to make a sheep headband. You can either buy a headband from the $2 shop or make the band from card. If you should purchase the headband, either buy a white one or cover with paper.

Sheep ears instructions:  Using the card, cut out a strip about 2-inches thick and long enough to wrap around your childs forehead. Make sure you make it an inch or two longer so you can staple the ends together. Now, fold another piece of card in half and cut out a set of sheep ears. They can have some pink parts in the middle to add some contrast. Put the bottom edge of each ear up against the strip of paper and staple or tape them in place. Once the ears are attached, staple or tape the ends of the strip together to snuggly fit around your fore head.

Optional:   A White beanie (from the $2 shop) and add the ears in a similar manner. We will also be needing lovely parents to help us with the hot glue gunning during the making process. Finally, the children will need their gumboots and any white t shirt they already own for the dress rehearsal Monday 7th August.

Thank you very much.

Miss Ellis and Mrs Manu (Room 21) and Mrs Narayan (Room 10)

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