Today we learnt how to play Bingo Maths. This will help us learn to read numbers out of order. We can now play all sorts of bingo games like letter bingo, word bingo, blend bingo and addition bingo.
Room 21 is a Year One class at Arahoe School in New Lynn, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. This blog is where we show our family and friends what we are learning at school. We also have links that help our learning at home, as well as at school. We have notices here, and you can always check out the blog if you need to know something. You can also make comments or ask questions. Thanks for visiting our blog. Ka kite ano! Room 18
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Some of us are still learning to count backwards from 20 without missing any numbers.
If we can learn how to do this fast it will help us with adding and subtracting.
You can help us by counting down with us when we do cool stuff like go to the park, have dessert, or play a game.
Thanks everyone!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Hi kids,
Today I gave away all my old clothes and toys to charity. That means I gave them to someone who needs them more than me.
I took them to a charity shop where they sell things to raise money for local kids and families.
The ladies there thought I was very cute and tried to hide me amongst the shoes!
Hope you're all having fun kids.
Keep cool and don't forget to wash behind your ears.
Roald x
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
Hi everyone!
Here I am at my friend Ali Lion's house having a movie night. We are watching Madagascar and eating broccoli. Yum yum!
See you soon,
Roald x
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Matariki march
Tupu-a-nuku – Purple, Tupu-a-rangi – Orange and Ururangi – Yellow.
We made our masks the colour of our Matariki star.
We are reading the big book 'Hairy Bear'. We have been using our ' Sound it out Spanner' from the Reading Toolbox to help us. We can hear an 'ee' sound at the end of the word 'hairy'. Look at the list of words we made that end with 'y' and sound like 'ee'.
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Isabella was awarded with a certificate at Ara Teina assembly because of her amazing progress in Reading. KA PAI! This shows the Arahoe value of Excellence. ★★★
Friday, July 05, 2013
Making Maori Bread!!!!
Musical fun
We started off the day with our performance of Farmer Larney at Ara Teina assembly. We did a fantastic job singing the song we made up and doing the actions we made up. We sang so the audience could hear us and Cody and Max used a microphone to introduce us. Miss Watson videoed it for us and we will put up a video as soon as we can.
Over half of the class is doing spelling now! Our teachers think we are Whizz Kids. This week we are learning to spell words with 'an' in them. That is called a chunk. Our spelling words are what we use to help us write stories, as well as read.
After lunch we celebrated Matariki by making some fry bread. We kneaded the dough and watched it fry in the pan. Some of us looked like experts and some of us had done kneaded bread before. Some of us had never made bread before. We want to do it again! We also thought it would taste good with the butter we made with Jesse.
At the end of the day we practiced out ballistics challenge skills. We are going to find some more people to sponsor us this weekend.
Ka kite ano on Monday!
Have a good weekend from all of us in Room 18.