Friday, November 01, 2013

ROOM 21 UPDATE! News News News!

Today we had such an amazing day with a great singing assembly where Riley won the class certificate for sounding out during Reading, and for being kind to everyone.  Ka pai Riley.

We had Jump Jam led by Miss Thompson, and Dylan helped as a Jump Jam leader.  Miss Ellis saw Hazzie jumping so high in the crowd- outstanding energy Hazzie!

We read our poems and found all the words that rhyme, as well as the word 'this'.  The person that impressed Miss Ellis the most were Isabella H.  Well done Isabella H- you did all your jobs, and listened to the instructions. 

Dylan and Kheiani were our news reporters today.  On Monday, Sienna and Hazzie will be reporting for 'Abc News'.

We have been working on being a Cool Class.  We are adding to our chart throughout the day, recording what a cool class sounds, looks and feels like.  We are talking about respect for ourselves, each other, and our teachers.  We used so much praise talk today! Ka pai Room 21.

After lunch we played a game of 'Rob the Nest' with Room 20.  It was AWESOME.  After that we had running races.  Cody was the fastest out of all the boys, and Ava was the speediest girl.  Well done Cody and Ava.

The last thing we did was clean up our class, pack up our bags, and investigate science with the Magic School Bus.  We have been learning about bees and their hives!  Here is a link if you want to watch it!Magic School Bus Honey Bees and Hives

Lucky us- we get a few extra days to practice our spelling words, and will get a new list on Tuesday.  We also have 2 reading books and our poem to read over the weekend.

If we want, we can start learning Week 4's spelling words, which are below.

Last thing- on Monday we will give out notices about the WALK THIS WAY DVD!  You can buy it for $15 if you are an Arahoe cardholder, or $20 if you are not.  What a great Christmas present!  It was such an amazing movie, and if you missed it, this is your chance to 'Walk this Way' through Aotearoa's past and present,  with our future leaders and citizens in the starring roles!\

Have a safe and happy weekend,
Roald x

Please scroll across, and ask your child which spelling group they are in (some have just started spelling, so no pressure).
We are learning to spell
words that start with ‘i’.
We are learning to spell
words with ‘an’ blend in them.
We are learning to spell
words with ‘oo’ sound in them.

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