Thursday, December 12, 2013


Hi Parents and Caregivers,

Here are a few more updates for you!  Thanks for your patience at this exciting and busy time of year.  You really are the bee's knees!

Mufti day with gold coin donation to fundraise for children with cancer (a student initiative) Friday 13 December
★Reports go home Friday 13 December,  rather than Thursday.
♥Class party at La Rosa Gardens: Monday 16 December. A notice was sent home yesterday with a permission slip to be returned.
★The finish time for school has been confirmed: Friday 20 December 1.30pm after whole school assembly.

Please return book bags to school.  We will then send them home with students' exercise books and work from through out the year.

Sarah and Louise

1 comment:

  1. Hi there , can you please confirm if the children are to wear their bee themed costumes to school tomorrow or if they bring them and get changed before they leave for the Park trip , Many thanks
