Room 21 is a Year One class at Arahoe School in New Lynn, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. This blog is where we show our family and friends what we are learning at school. We also have links that help our learning at home, as well as at school. We have notices here, and you can always check out the blog if you need to know something. You can also make comments or ask questions. Thanks for visiting our blog. Ka kite ano! Room 18
Thursday, December 19, 2013
As some of you know I will be leaving Arahoe School at the end of this term.
I currently live in Cockle Bay and it is just to far to come everyday!
I have loved every minute of teaching your amazing children this year! I will miss them very much!
Room 21 parents and caregivers - you have also been amazing and very welcoming!!!! So a big thank you to you too!!!
Thank you for an incredible year!!!
Mrs Louise Manu
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Hello parents and caregivers!
Thankyou to all the families that attended and assisted with our end of year celebration. It was a lot of fun and a great opportunity to share some time while enjoying the new and improved La Rosa Gardens.
Speaking of families...
Room 21's have been outstanding. We have been blessed to have such enthusiastic, friendly and supportive parents, siblings and grandparents. Thankyou for every thing you have done for our class as a whole and for the amazing encouragement and opportunities you gift your children with. They have progressed incredibly throughout the year- academically, socially, emotionally and physically. It has been both a pleasure and a privilege be their first year teachers.
Ka kite ano,
Sarah and Louise
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Hi there,
We are having our class party at La Rosa Gardens tomorrow! We will leave school at approximately 11.40 and have a shared lunch when we get there.
★Please pack a normal lunch for the day and a small amount of party food to share.
★Bring your drink bottle and refill it before we leave for our walking trip.
★ Wear your hat and comfortable walking shoes.
★ Don't forget to invite your family!
See you tomorrow!
Miss Ellis and Mrs Manu
Friday, December 13, 2013
Just a reminder that there are parent teacher meeting times available for Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 December.
Please book via :
These are not compulsory, but you may wish to catch up for a 15 minute meeting with us to discuss your child's first year at school.
Sarah and Louise.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Last night was the annual event of Arahoe's prize giving and Year 6 graduation.
Classroom teachers choose 1 student to receive the class equity award and they are presented with a cup and a certificate. It was a particularly difficult decision as we really do have an amazing group of students in Room 21 who shine.
The final decision was made after careful consideration. Due to her empathy and consideration towards others, as well as her academic success, consistent efforts and positivity, we chose Anya Dons as our recipient for the class award.
Congratulations Anya on helping make Room 21 a better place to be. What an honour.
Hi Parents and Caregivers,
Here are a few more updates for you! Thanks for your patience at this exciting and busy time of year. You really are the bee's knees!
♥ Mufti day with gold coin donation to fundraise for children with cancer (a student initiative) Friday 13 December
★Reports go home Friday 13 December, rather than Thursday.
♥Class party at La Rosa Gardens: Monday 16 December. A notice was sent home yesterday with a permission slip to be returned.
★The finish time for school has been confirmed: Friday 20 December 1.30pm after whole school assembly.
Please return book bags to school. We will then send them home with students' exercise books and work from through out the year.
Sarah and Louise
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
How did Aotearoa get it's name? Our question for the day.
Today we read a story about Santa visiting New Zealand for a summer holiday before Christmas. Poor old Santa forgot his sunblock but luckily some Kiwi kids told him to slip on a tshirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat.
There were so many interesting parts of the story that are special to New Zealand. One part mentioned that Aotearoa is the land of the long white cloud.
Hmmm...why did we get that name?
See if you can find out!
Here are some reminders of important dates that are coming up, as well as an update on what we are learning at school.
We are learning what fitness really means and what we can do to help ourselves get fit and healthy when we use the new adventure playground.
We exercise our arms, legs, back, feet, hands, eyes and brain when we do a course challenge. Don't let your feet touch the tiles or you might get eaten by a shark!
We are learning about the different sounds the letter y can make in our poem. It is in the words you, your, body, fluffy. It makes a 'yi' sound at the start of words like you and an 'ee' sound at the end of words like fluffy. Sometimes it changes the way a words sounds like the y in Floyd!
We are learning about the digraph 'ght'. It was in yesterday's poem and is in words like bright, light, right, brought. The g does not make a sound! We see this digraph a lot in the books we are reading.
Monday, December 09, 2013
We had a great swim last week, and are ready for another this week! Our teachers were very impressed with how much we had improved! Goggles are a great idea as they help us feel more confident underwater. Swimming caps help us to float!
The most important thing is that we have a go and be safe...oh and that we have a towel, plastic bag and togs.