We are learning to read words we use a lot.
First we find the letters we need and then we cut them out and glue them into our books to make words.
These are words we use a lot for Reading and Writing.
Can you read them with us?
I can to my like

Congratulations to Levi for being one of our Students of the Week!
Levi values his learning, and always tries his hardest. Levi is always kind to his friends and helps make Room 19 a better place to be. Kia kaha Levi! Keep it up!
We are learning to listen for letter sounds in words.
Poppy is using her hand movements to listen for letter t sounds in the word teapot.
In Shared Writing we are learning to use the Spelling Blocks to spell words we don't know.
We are also learning to use words we read a lot in our writing.
We used the word 'said' this week.
We also learnt about speech marks and speech bubbles.
Last week we made Fairy King and Fairy Queen Crowns. We had to follow instructions and learnt how to cut in a zig-zag pattern. We used our Casey Shapes 'sloping stick, sloping stick' to help us. We drew a design onto our crowns and then glued tinsel onto them.
This afternoon we are going to the hall to play musical instruments. We are learning about pitch and dynamics. We are learning that if you use a different pitch, the tone of your voice or instrument will change. We are also learning that dynamics means volume. If we change the dynamics in a song, then we change the volume.
At the end of the day we will be doing Mathematics and learning how to solve addition problems like 3+2. We will look at all the groups that make 5.
Here we are learning what the + sign means and what the = sign means!
Plus- 'add', 'and'
Equals- 'the same as'
Thanks for visiting our blog! Come back soon.
Ka kite ano, Room 19
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