Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Clear boxes wanted!

Next week for room 21's learning we are going to make some dioramas! 
We need clear boxes to do this! Any clear box will do... Ones that have had sushi, grapes, kiwi fruit, cherry tomatoes etc. I have added an example for you below! 

We would really appreciate any contributions! 

Thank you! 

Saturday, October 26, 2013


We are all spelling bees in the hive of learning activity in Room 21.
We have spelling words in the back of our homework notebook. Please help us learn our words by:
★listening to us read the word
★listening to us spell the word (we might need to look at first as this is new for some of us)
★make up sentences with us that have the word in it (spoken)

We go through our spelling words with our teachers on Monday, then we use them in Writing during the week.  On Friday we have a little test and get some new words.

We are busy bees!

Friday, October 25, 2013


Room 21 were treated to an amazing pantomime about Bees!!!! Mrs Makani and Mrs Tuck did a wonderful job of explaining to us why bees are so important!
We need bees for.....
Baked beans, Ice cream and Tomato sauce! 
Can you explain to your family why we need bees? 

Isabella Brown was the special bee for assembly!!! We done Isabella, you did a wonderful job!

Who else enjoyed the pantomime? 

Max and Hazzie's speech!

Well done Max and Hazzie for speaking on behalf of Room 21 at Mr Limbrick's super secret assembly!
You spoke very clearly and learned your lines brilliantly! 
Well done you two!!!! 

Thank you to all of Room 21 who sat through assembly so wonderfully and came to school in your sailing best!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mrs Manu's pet rat!

"Please don't go to School" DiNozzo squeaked, "stay at home and play with me"! 
Mrs Manu has to leave DiNozzo the Rat at home everyday!  He does understand that Mrs Manu thinks Room 21 are amazing! 
Maybe he could come for a visit?


Uh-oh! Library books are staying at home a little too long and some of us can't get out new ones. 
All children who books are returned to the library by 9am Wednesday morning get the amazing reward of a new book.  Yes!  A new book and a new adventure.
All missing books can be returned to the green box in the library foyer, with the card inside.

Let's have 30/30 books returned this week!
Be the Bee's Knees!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bee keeper visit!

Today, Room 21 went to the E learning suite to meet Oliver, our Bee keeper! Oliver spends his life looking after bees and collecting their honey! He is an apiarist! 

We learned all about the bees, the Queen Bee (not Beyoncé), wax, pollen and all the interesting aspects about bees! Oliver brought a fully functioning hive to school as well! Those 50,000 bees sure do get on well! 

We had such a fun time and we are all filling our kete with knowledge about bees! Ask us a question, we are buzzing bee experts! 

Thanks Oliver! 


Room 21 went and watched the amazing play 'The Big Sad Wolf' today.
There were so many characters but only 3 actors!
Ask us about what happened in the play. We had so many laughs!

It pays not to bully and it pays not to cry wolf! 


One of the many great things about our school is our orchard.
The Cicadas group looked for blossoms today and we found some in the orchard behind Room 21, 22, 23 and 24.  Then we read the book 'The Farm in Spring'.
We are learning letter sounds and are using the first letter of a word to read words we don't know.
We use the pictures and the story to help us check it makes sense and is the right word.

Monday, October 21, 2013


What a beautiful weekend it was with the sun shining brightly.  A timely reminder is due that all children must now wear their Arahoe School hat to school each day in Term 4 and in Term 1.

We also recommend sunblock in the mornings as a precaution to protect against the sun's damaging rays.

Remember kids- no hat, no play- no sun today!

Ka kite ano!

Friday, October 18, 2013


Today we made honey sandwiches.  We had honey and bread. How was it?
Toby says "It looked good. "
Ava says " The sandwiches I love because they were really yum."
Leo says " It's yum!"
Look at our photos!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


We are learning about symmetry.  For a start, it is not to be confused with cemetery!  Symmetry is part of Maths and is where one half of something is the same as the other half.  If you pretend to fold something in half,  and both halves look the same,  then it is symmetrical.  The line where you fold it is called the line of symmetry.

Look at all of the symmetrical things we found in class today!